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1.问:英语"横向" "纵向" 怎么说?




问:英语"横向" "纵向" 怎么说?

       英语"横向" "纵向" 的表达分别是widthwise,longitudinal。

       widthwise 英['w?tθwa?z] 美['w?tθwa?z]

       adv. 与宽同方向地,横向地;

       adj. 横向,横着;

       longitudinal 英[?lgtju:d?nl] 美[?lɑ:nd?tu:dnl]

       adj. 纵向的; 纵的; 经度的; 纵观的;


       widthwise elongation 宽展量

       widthwise growth 横向生长 ; 横生长

       longitudinal wave [物] 纵波 ; 纵向波 ; P波

       longitudinal section [科技] 纵切面 ; [科技] 纵剖面 ; 纵截面 ; 纵切片

       longitudinal stress [力] 纵向应力 ; 纵应力 ; 轴向应力


       1、The portable electronic device includes: a first body bent widthwise;


       2、The designed widthwise edge curve will be used as a directix curve to form scoop surface of the energy-saving down-cut rotary blade by scanning method.


       3、The economic globalization and the progress in science and technology take a turn from the traditional industrial layout lengthwise for the development widthwise .


       4、Disclosed is a portable electronic device bent widthwise.


       5、To customize your look and change the eyelashes to your whim, cut them lengthwise or widthwise depending on the effect you wish to create.


       6、What will you learn from the Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation that you are participating in?


       7、We are left with survey-or better, longitudinal studies--to attempt to answer the question whether waiting until marriage to have sex improves the sex or quality of the marriage.


       8、Their study included 128 subjects who already were part of a longitudinal study investigating risk factors for depression.


       9、The study included 1,138 older adults with a mean age of 80 who are participating in the Rush Memory and Aging Project, an ongoing longitudinal study of common chronic conditions of aging.


       10、The longitudinal nature of the study enabled the authors to look at the link between employment circumstances and mental health over time and for individuals.






















       跳水diving、马球polo、水球water polo、垒球softball、网球tennis、赛艇canoe、冲浪surfing、自行车cycling、羽毛球badminton、田径track and field、手球handball、摔交wrestling、拳击boxing、射箭toxophily、射击shooting、柔道judo、骑马equestrian、曲棍球hockey

       gymnastics体操、horizontal bar单杠、parallel bars双杠、rings吊环、side horse,pommelled horse鞍马、weight-lifting举重、boxing拳击、Greece-Roman wrestling古典式摔跤、judo柔道、fencing击剑、skiing滑雪、downhill race速降滑雪赛,滑降、slalom障碍滑雪、ski jump跳高滑雪

       ice skating滑冰、figure skating花样滑冰、roller skating滑旱冰、middle-distance race中长跑、sprint短跑(美作:dash)、the400metre hurdles400米栏、marathon马拉松、decathlon十项、cross-country race越野跑、high jump跳高、long jump跳远(美作:broad jump

       plane的读音:英?[ple?n]? 美?[ple?n]?





       1、动词+~:board plane 上飞机

       2、形容词+~:horizontal plane 水平面

       3、名词+~:air-force plane 空军飞机,战斗机

       4、介词+~:by plane 乘飞机


       1、Keep your work on a high plane.


       2、The jet plane soon passed from our view.


       3、The plane circling overhead is waiting to land.




       1、plane的基本意思是“水平,程度; 标准”,可指在思想、存在或发展各方面的水平,程度。


