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ysladmin 2024-07-23 人已围观

简介aimed是什么意思_unclaimed是什么意思       接下来,我将为大家详细解析一下aimed是什么意思的问题,希望我的回答可以解决大家的疑惑。下面,让我们来探讨一下aimed是什么意思的话题。1.急!separate jou



1.急!separate journals have now appeared aimed towards sth是什么意思?望具体分析apeared aimed~ THX!

2.aimed at和 in order to



急!separate journals have now appeared aimed towards sth是什么意思?望具体分析apeared aimed~ THX!



       aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership

       是分词短语 修饰 主语jounals

       aim at/towards sth 针对~~~~


       separate jounals he now eared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership


       separate jounals( aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership) he now eared

       分词短语过长 ,出现了后置现象


       现在看起来, 这样发展的必然结果是出现针对专业读者和业余读者的不同杂志.

       至于后置定语为什么用过去分词 而不用动名词 是因为

        be aimed at/towards 为固定短语 以…为目的,以··为针对对象

       这里 该杂志是以针对专业读者和业余读者为对象的杂志

       eg It is original old policy aimed at foreign capital enterprise two oid 3 halve


       Hence, a great point to be aimed at is to get the working quality well trained.


       要是还有什么问题 直接Hi我(*^__^*)

aimed at和 in order to







       平常我们使用词组aim at 是主动含义,表某人打算、准备做……的意思。比如His parents aim at improving his grades,his parents sent him to the school.就可以用非谓语表达:Aiming at improving his grades,his parents sent him to the school.这里父母作为主语,是主动状态,想要送他去学校来提高成绩.父母(主语)和打算(谓语动词)之间是主动关系.

       但是如果主语和谓语动词是被动关系,就用be aimed at.例:They aimed at showing off their love,so the picture was put in the diningroom.此处aim at 和人构成主动关系和picture 不是主动关系,所以用非谓语表示只能是The picture,aimed at showing off their love,was put in the dining room.这张被用来炫耀他们的甜蜜的照片被摆在了餐厅里。那么使用aiming还是aimed主要是看主语与谓语动词的主被动关系来选择.
