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       您好,很高兴能为您介绍一下business conduct的相关问题。我希望我的回答能够给您带来一些启示和帮助。


2.Leading Responsible Business是什么

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       企业道德,即Business Ethics;西方社会现如今形成了比较规范的市场“游戏规则”,这其中很重要的一部分内容正是企业道德(Business Ethics)的规则。这一点正如美国著名的商业道德专家罗伯特?F?哈特利指出的那样,没有道德信仰的市场不可能成为市场。

       Good business ethics should be a part of every business. There are many factors to consider. When a company does business with another that is considered unethical, does this make the first company unethical by association? Some people would say yes, the first business has a responsibility and it is now a link in the chain of unethical businesses.

       Many global businesses, including most of the major brands that the public use, can be seen not to think too highly of good business ethics. Many major brands have been fined millions for breaking ethical business laws. Money is the major deciding factor.

       If a company does not adhere to business ethics and breaks the laws, they usually end up being fined. Many companies have broken anti-trust, ethical and environmental laws and received fines worth millions. The problem is that the amount of money these companies are making outweighs the fines applied. Billion dollar profits blind the companies to their lack of business ethics, and the dollar sign wins.

       A business may be a multi-million seller, but does it use good business ethics and do people care? There are popular soft drinks and fast food restaurants that have been fined time and time again for unethical behavior. Business ethics should eliminate exploitation, from the sweat shop children who are making sneakers to the coffee serving staff who are being ripped off in wages. Business ethics can be applied to everything from the trees cut down to make the paper that a business sells to the ramifications of importing coffee from certain countries.

       你可以谷歌搜索“Business Ethics”,其中你可以参照第四个链接,那是一些加拿大企业的商业道德网站,可以看看,其次是第八个链接,这是一篇很深刻的论文关于西方企业道德的,写的很透彻很深刻!你可以看看,在这里我就不贴地址了,要不百度又要审核一天!呵呵

Leading Responsible Business是什么

       conduct ['k?nd?kt, -d?kt]


       1. manner of acting or controlling yourself2. (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people


       1. direct the course of; manage or control

        例句: You cannot conduct business like this

       2. lead, as in the performance of a composition

        例句: conduct an orchestraBarenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years

       3. behave in a certain manner

        例句: They conducted themselves well during these difficult times

       4. transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

        例句: Many metals conduct heat

       5. take somebody somewhere

        例句: He conducted us to the palace

       6. lead musicians in the performance of

        例句: Bernstein conducted Mahler like no other conductorshe cannot conduct modern pieces




       Leading Responsible Business 可译为 示范性有责任心的商业行为(或企业)~~ 指在商业运作中,坚持对社会负责任的态度,并坚持采用与社会环境(包括自然环境和人文环境)共同和谐发展的行为(例如:用绿色对自然无污染的清洁剂,用少排气污染的汽车汽油添加剂等;与人文社会共同发展的行为包括:坚持关注社区发展,参与社区活动,支持教育慈善事业等).

       Leading Responsible Business 是和谐商业理念的一个概念,另一个概念是 Living Responsible Business,都是指的与社会(含自然环境)和谐并存发展,做对社会负责的商业机构的意思;这类商业机构及其行为,统称Responsible Business 对社会负有责任感责任心的商业 (官方的统一称呼暂没找到,这里就按意思解释翻译了).


       1/ /article/CA6579339.html

       3/ Responsible Business Conduct 有责任心的商业行为 概念 说明

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