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hudson river park

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hudson river park

       好久不见,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“hudson river park”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太熟悉,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们一起来了解一下吧。

1.英语作文 my ideal paradise




hudson river park

英语作文 my ideal paradise

       My Ideal Paradise - Jasper National Park

       Tonquin Valley

        Jasper National Park is the largest national park in the Canadian Rockies, spanning 10,878 km?. It is located in the province of Alberta, to the north of Banff National Park and west of the city of Edmonton. The park includes the glaciers of the Columbia Icefield, hot springs, lakes, waterfalls and, of course, mountains. Wildlife in the park include elk, moose, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, grizzly bear, black bear, beaver, Rocky Mountain pika, hoary marmot and caribou.

        Jasper was named after Jasper Hawes, who operated a trading post in the region for the North West Company. Before this it was referred to as Fitzhugh. The park was established on September 14, 1907 as Jasper Forest Park, and was granted national park status in 1930, with the passing of the National Parks Act.

        This park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984, together with the other national and provincial parks that form the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks, for the mountain landscapes containing mountain peaks, glaciers, lakes, waterfalls, canyons and limestone caves as well as fossils found here.

        Major river systems originating in the park include the North Saskatchewan River (part of the Hudson Bay basin), the Athabasca River and Smoky River (part of the Arctic Ocean basin).

        Among the most stunning of attractions is the drive from Lake Louise, Alberta in Banff National Park, to Jasper, Alberta called the Icefields Parkway. This drive is considered by some to be the most beautiful scenic drive in the world.













       through是直过cross是横过 例:

       I went across the road = I cross the road


       The car went through the road




       冠词分不定冠词(The Indefinite Article)和定冠词(The Definite Article)a, an是不定冠词,the是定冠词。

       an, a是不定冠词,仅用在单数可数名词前面,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目观念。a用在以辅音(指辅音音素)开头的词前, an用在以元音(指元素音素)开头的词前,如:

       a boy an hour

       a history class an island

       a university an elephant

       a hero an old man


       1. 表示人或事物的某一类

       A steel worker makes steel.

       A plane is a machine that can fly.

       2. 表示某一类人或事物中的任何一个。

       This is an apple.

       His father is a teacher.

       3. 泛指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人何物。

       A comrade is waiting for you downstairs.

       I met an old man on my way to school.

       4. 表示“一个”的意思

       He will be back in a day or two.

       He tried to send a picture of a face.

       5. 有时也表示“每”的意思

       We have three meals a day.


       He walks ten miles an hour.


       We have six classes a day.


       He drives the car at thirty miles an hour.

       如果把不定冠词后的名词变为复数,只把不定冠词去掉还不行,还得补上一个数词或不定代词(some, any)

       The plan will be ready in a few days.



       定冠词the具有确定的意思,用以特指人或事物,表示名词所指的人或事物是同类中的特定的一个,以别于同类中其他的人或事物,相当于汉语中的“那个”或“这个”的意思。它可以和单、复数名词,也可以和不可数的名词连用。用在以辅音音素开头的词前读[? ],用在以元音音素开头的词前读[?i ] ,在特别强调时读[?i:]。


       1. 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。

       Give me the book.

       Did you hear the talk given by Mr Li?

       How do you like the film.

       Have you got the letter?

       2. 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。

       Where is the teacher?

       Open the door.

       3. 复述上文提过的人或事物。

       I have a beautiful wallet, but the wallet was stolen yesterday.

       4. 世界上独一无二的事物等(月亮、地球、天空、宇宙)

       The sun rises in the east.

       The earth goes round the sun.

       the globe, the universe.

       the atmosphere大气层

       5. 用在方位名词前

       in the south, in the west ,in the north

       6. 用在序数词或形容词最高级前

       The first thing I want to say is to listen carefully in class.

       He is the tallest one in our class.


       The older of the two noblemen took a light.

       He is the taller of the two boys.

       8. 用在单数可数可数名词前表示一类人或事物。

       The horse is a useful animal.

       9. 定冠词用在形容词前,表示一类人或东西。

       The rich, the poor ,the wounded ,the deaf

       10. 冠词可用在党派、阶级、民族名词前

       The Chinese people中华民族

       The working class 工人阶级

       The Communist Party


       The Lius live upstairs.

       The Johns are watching TV.


       the piano the violin


       in the morning in the afternoon


       The man standing by the gate is Li Feng.


       He received a blow on the head


       John’s brother took him by the hand.



       In the 1980s或in the 1980’s 20世纪80年代

       in the nineteenth century 二十世纪


       1. 在江河、山脉、湖泊、海洋、群岛、海峡、海湾运河前用the。

       the Changjang River 长江

       the Hudson River 哈得孙河

       the West Lake 西湖

       the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

       the Yellow Sea 黄海

       the Suez Canal 苏伊士运河

       the English Channel 英吉利海峡

       the Persian Gulf 波斯湾

       the British Isles 布列颠群岛

       2. 在含有普通名词构成的专有名词前用the。

       the Great Wall 长城

       the Summer Palace 颐和园

       the United States 美国

       the October Revolution 十月革命

       the Chinese People’s Liberation Army 中国人民解放军

       the Long March 长征

       3. 在某些建筑物前

       the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂

       the Museum of Chinese History 历史博物馆

       4. 在某些组织机构前

       the United Nations 联合国

       the Department of Education 教育部

       ⑤节日名:New Year’s Day 新年,元旦

       Women’s Day 妇女节

       Labour Day 劳动节

       Children’s Day儿童节

       April Fools’ Day愚人节

       National Day国庆节

       Thanksgiving Day感恩节

       Christmas Day圣诞节


       the Spring Festival春节

       the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节


       1. 街名:Wang Fu Jing Street王府井大街

       Naking Road南京路

       2. 广场名:Tian An Men Square天安门广场

       3. 公园名:Pei Hai Park北海公园

       Hyde Park海德公园

       4. 大学名:Beijing University北京大学

       Zhejiang University浙江大学

       但也可说the University of Beijing the University of Zhejiang


       1. 在物质名词,抽象名词前不用冠词

       The desk is made of wood.

       What is work? Work is struggle.

       2. 专有名词前不加冠词

       Canada, Beijing ,Lei Feng

       3. 名词前有物主代词指示代词,不定代词,名词所有格修饰时

       this, my,that, those, these, her


       Sunday March summer winter


       Horses are useful animals.

       My mother and father are school teachers.


       He is chairman of the Students’ Union. 他是学生会主席。

       They elected him president of the U.S. 他们选他当美国总统。


       She is a teacher of English in our school. 她是我校的一位英语教师


       breakfast, lunch, supper 如这些词前有形容词修饰可用不定冠词。

       I had a good lunch yesterday.

       I have breakfast at 7 every day.


       Play football (basketball, Volleyball) chess


       He is fond of music.

       The music of the film is very beautiful.

       Science is making rapid progress in China.


       Physics is the science of matter and energe.




       自由女神像 Status of Liberty

       The Statue of Liberty (French: Statue de la Liberté), or, more formally, Liberty Enlightening the World (French: La liberté éclairant le monde), was presented to the United States by the people of France in 1886. Standing on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, it welcomes visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans traveling by ship. The copper-clad statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence and was given to the United States to represent the friendship established during the American Revolution.Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi sculpted the statue and obtained a U.S. patent for its structure. Maurice Koechlin - chief engineer of Gustave Eiffel's engineering company and designer of the Eiffel Tower - engineered the internal structure. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue's construction and adoption of the repoussé technique, where a malleable metal is hammered on the reverse side.

       The statue is of a robed woman holding a torch, and is made of a sheeting of pure copper, hung on a framework of steel (originally puddled iron) with the exception of the flame of the torch, which is coated in gold leaf (originally made of copper and later altered to hold glass panes.) It stands atop a rectangular stonework pedestal with a foundation in the shape of an irregular eleven-pointed star. The statue is 151 ft (46 m) tall, but with the pedestal and foundation, it is 305 ft (93 m) tall.

       Worldwide, the Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the United States[10] and was, from 1886 until the jet age, often one of the first glimpses of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe. Visually, the Statue of Liberty appears to draw inspiration from il Sancarlone or the Colossus of Rhodes.

       The statue is the central part of Statue of Liberty National Monument, administered by the National Park Service.

       The general appearance of the statue’s head approximates the Roman Sun-god Apollo or the Greek Sun-god Helios as preserved on an ancient marble tablet (today in the Archaeological Museum of Corinth, Corinth, Greece) - Apollo was represented as a solar deity, dressed in a similar robe and having on its head a "radiate crown" with the seven spiked rays of the Helios-Apollo's sun rays, like the Statue's nimbus or halo. The ancient Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was a statue of Helios with a radiate crown. The Colossus is referred to in the 1883 sonnet The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus. Lazarus's poem was later engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the Statue of Liberty in 1903.

       The statue, also known affectionately as "Lady Liberty", has become a symbol of freedom and democracy. She welcomed arriving immigrants, who could see the statue as they arrived in the United States. There is a version of the statue in France given by the United States in return.

       The classical appearance (Roman stola, sandals, facial expression) derives from Libertas, ancient Rome's goddess of freedom from slavery, oppression, and tyranny. Her raised right foot is on the move. This symbol of Liberty and Freedom is not standing still or at attention in the harbor, it is moving forward, as her left foot tramples broken shackles at her feet, in symbolism of the United States' wish to be free from oppression and tyranny. The seven spikes on the crown epitomize the Seven Seas and seven continents.Her torch signifies enlightenment. The tablet in her hand represents knowledge and shows the date of the United States Declaration of Independence, in roman numerals, July IV, MDCCLXXVI.

       纽约中央公园 Central Park

       Central Park is a large public, urban park in New York City, with about twenty-five million visitors annually. Most of the areas immediately adjacent to the park are known for impressive buildings and valuable real estate. Central Park has been a National Historic Landmark since 1963.

       The park is maintained by the Central Park Conservancy and the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. The park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and architect Calvert Vaux. While much of the park looks natural, it is in fact almost entirely landscaped. It contains several natural-looking lakes and ponds, extensive walking tracks, two ice-skating rinks, the Central Park Zoo, the Central Park Conservatory Garden, a wildlife sanctuary, a large area of natural woods, a reservoir with an encircling running track, and the outdoor Delacorte Theater which hosts the "Shakespeare in the Park" summer festivals.

       The park also serves as an oasis for migrating birds.

       百老汇 Broadway

       Broadway, as the name implies, is a wide avenue in New York City. While New York has several other Broadways, in the context of the city it usually refers to the Manhattan street. It is the oldest north-south main thoroughfare in the city, dating to the first New Amsterdam settlement. The name Broadway is an English translation of the Dutch name, Breede weg. A stretch of Broadway is famous as the pinnacle of the American theater industry.

       洛克菲勒中心 Rockefeller Center

       Rockefeller Center is a complex of 19 commercial buildings covering 22 acres (89,000 m2) between 48th and 51st streets in New York City. Built by the Rockefeller family, it is located in the center of Midtown Manhattan, spanning between Fifth Avenue and Seventh Avenue. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1987.It is the largest privately held complex of its kind in the world, and an international symbol of modernist architectural style blended with capitalism.


       "Los Angeles" by Black Cats (band)

       "...and a Song for Los Angeles" by She Wants Revenge

       "3rd Base, Dodger Stadium" by Joe Kevany (Rearranged by Ry Cooder)

       "99 Miles from L.A" by Art Garfunkel

       "Alameda" by Elliott Smith (about Alameda Street in Downtown Los Angeles)

       "?nema" by Tool

       "All I Wanna Do" by Sheryl Crow

       "All the Gold in California" by The Gatlin Brothers

       "A Long December" by Counting Crows

       "American Girl" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

       "Andres" by L7

       "Angeles" by Elliott Smith

       "April 29, 1992" by Sublime

       "Babylon Sisters" by Steely Dan

       "Bad Sneakers" by Steely Dan

       "Barrio Viejo" by Ry Cooder

       "Beautiful in Los Angeles" by Garrison Star

       "Because, It's Midnite" by Limozeen

       "Beverly Hills" by The Circle Jerks

       "Beverly Hills" by Micky Dolenz

       "Beverly Hills" by Weezer

       "Beverly Kills (Freaks With Golden Heirs)" by Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti

       "Bi-Coastal" by Peter Allen

       "Big Dumb Town" by Stan Ridgway

       "Billy the Mountain" by Frank Zappa

       "Black Planet" by The Sisters of Mercy

       "Blue Jay Way" by The Beatles

       "Boyz-n-tha-Hood" by N.W.A featuring Eazy-E

       "Born in East L.A." by Cheech and Chong

       "Brother L.A." by Daniel Lanois

       "Burn Hollywood Burn" by Public Enemy

       "California" by Debby Boone

       "California" by Joni Mitchell

       "California" by Hollywood Undead

       "California" by Lil Rob

       "California" by Rufus Wainwright

       "California" by Splitsville

       "California Rain" by Silvertide

       "California" by Metro Station

       "California" by Phantom Planet

       "California" by The Rentals (often mislabelled as Weezer)

       "California" by Wax

       "California Sun" by Devon Werkheiser

       "California Blows My Mind" by Mr.Criminal

       "California Dreamin'" by The Mamas & the Papas

       "California Girls" by The Beach Boys

       "California Girls" by David Lee Roth

       "California Girls" by The Magnetic Fields

       "California's Burning by Augustana

       "California Love" by Tupac Shakur featuring Dr Dre

       "California Love(Remix)" by Tupac Shakur featuring Dr Dre

       "California Vacation" by The Game, Snoop Dogg & Xzibit

       "Californication" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

       "Cali girl" by Ballyhoo!

       "Camera One" by the Josh Joplin Group

       "Can't Stop the Blue (Go Dodgers Go!)" by Ozomatli

       "Car Phone" by Sheeler & Sheeler

       "Carmelita" by Warren Zevon

       "Celebrity Skin" by Hole

       "Celluloid Heroes" by The Kinks

       "Christmas In Los Angeles" by Lawrence Welk and the Rockettes.

       "Christmas in Hollywood" by Hollywood Undead

       "Ciclon" by Sick Jacken Vs. DJ Muggs

       "City of Angels" by 10,000 Maniacs

       "City of Angels" by The Distillers

       "City of Angels" by Ozomatli

       "City of Devils" by Yellowcard

       "Cobra Skullifornia" by Cobra Skulls

       "Come a Long Way" by Michelle Shocked

       "Comin' into Los Angeles" by Arlo Guthrie

       "Corrido de Boxeo" by Ry Cooder

       "Cowboys From Hollywood" by Camper Van Beethoven

       "Cracked Actor" by David Bowie

       "Cruiser" by Red House Painters

       "Culver Moon" by Jackson Browne

       "Day After Day (It's Slippin' Away) by Shango

       "Dead Man's Curve" by Jan and Dean

       "Desperados Under the Eaves" by Warren Zevon

       "Deez Hollywood Nights" by Snoop Dogg

       "Diary of a San Fernando Sexx Star" by Butch Walker

       "Do You Know the Way to San José" by Dionne Warwick

       "Dodgers Song" by Danny Kaye

       "Does the Wind still blow in Oklahoma?" by Reba McEntire and Ronnie Dunn

       "Dogs of L.A." by Liz Phair

       "Dope Show" by Marilyn Manson

       "Downey, California" by Saint Etienne

       "Down Rodeo" by Rage Against the Machine

       "Down Whittier Blvd" by Thee Midniters

       "DTLA (Downtown Los Angeles)" by Gary Jules

       "Drinking in L.A." by Bran Van 3000

       "Drive By" by Duran Duran

       "Earthquake Song" by Little Girls

       "East L.A." by War

       "East L.A. Breeze" by Brazzaville

       "Echo Park" by Ryan Cabrera

       "Electrolite" by R.E.M.

       "El Lay" by NOFX

       "Empty Hearted Town" by Warren Zevon

       "Everyone Is Someone In L.A." by Felix Da Housecat

       "Face of L.A" by The Game

       "Fallen Angel" by Poison

       "First of the Gang to Die" by Morrissey

       "Forgotten (Lost angels) by Lamb of God

       "For the Movies" by Buckcherry

       "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield

       "Fountain and Fairfax" by Afghan Whigs

       "Fourth of July" by The Blasters

       "Fourth of July" by X

       "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

       "Freeway Flyer" by Jan and Dean

       "Fuck Compton" by Tim Dog

       "Garden Grove" by Sublime

       "Glamour Profession" by Steely Dan

       "Glory of the '80s" by Tori Amos

       "Girl on TV" by Lyte Funky Ones

       "God is a Bullet" by Concrete Blonde

       "Going Back to Cali" by LL Cool J

       "Going Back to Cali" by The Notorious B.I.G.

       "Going Back to Cali" by Top Dogg

       "Going to Live in L.A." by Roger Waters

       "Goodnight L.A." by Counting Crows

       "Goodnight L.A." by Strangeways

       "Gone Hollywood" by Supertramp

       "Grey in LA" by Loudon Wainwright III

       "Griffith Park" by Mellow the Band

       "Harry Hippie" by Bobby Womack

       "Hell Looks a Lot Like L.A." by Less Than Jake

       "Here in L.A." by Roy Joseph

       "High Voltage" by Eagles of Death Metal

       "Holiday from Real" by Jack's Mannequin

       "Hollyweird" by Poison

       "Hollywood" by Boz Scaggs

       "Hollywood" by Collective Soul

       "Hollywood" by The Cranberries

       "Hollywood" by Jonas Brothers

       "Hollywood" by Madonna

       "Hollywood" by The Monkees (covered by author Michael Nesmith)

       "Hollywood" by Orange

       "Hollywood" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

       "Hollywood" by Rufus with Chaka Khan

       "Hollywood" by The Wallflowers

       "Hollywood" by West Indian Girl

       "Hollywood" by World Party

       "Hollywood City" by Carl Perkins

       "Hollywood Divorce" by Outkast with Snoop Dogg & Lil Wayne

       "Hollywood Fix" by The Pink Spiders

       "Hollywood Freaks" by Beck

       "Hollywood Girl" By Drake Bell

       "Hollywood, I'm Coming" by Twiztid

       "Hollywood Kids" by The Thrills

       "Hollywood Kill" by Hollywood Kill

       "Hollywood Nights" by Bob Seger

       "Hollywood Situation" by The Hudson Brothers

       "Hollywood Swingin'" by Kool & the Gang

       "Hollywood Tease" by L.A. Guns

       "Hollywood Town" By Manfred Mann's Earth Band

       "Holly Wood Died" by Yellowcard

       "Hooray for Hollywood"

       "Hooray for LA" by Juliana Hatfield with Some Girls on album Crushing Love

       "Hot Box City" by Klaatu

       "Hot Fudge (Moving to L.A.)" by Robbie Williams

       "Hotel California" by Eagles

       "How to Survive in South Central" by Ice Cube

       "I Am, I Said" by Neil Diamond

       "I Buy the Drugs" Electric Six

       "I Can't Stand LA" by Bowling For Soup

       "I Gotta Go to L.A." by The Cribs

       "I Left My Wallet In El Segundo" by A Tribe Called Quest

       "I Love Cali" by Roscoe

       "I Love L.A." by Randy Newman

       "I Love L.A." by Young Dre the Truth

       "I Love L.A." by Rilo Kiley

       "I Loved The Way She Said L.A." by Spitalfield

       "I Remember L.A." by Celine Dion

       "I Sang Dixie" by Dwight Yoakam

       "I Wish" by Skee-Lo

       "I'm In L.A. Bitch" by LMFAO

       "I'm from L.A." by Go Betty Go

       "I'm Sorry L.A." by The Suicide Denial

       "In L.A." from the musical Fame

       "In This Lifetime" by Sick Symphonies

       "I'm So L.A." by MYNX

       "Icy Days in L.A." by The Temporary Thing

       "In California" by Neko Case

       "In Hollywood" by Hollywood Kill

       "It Never Rains in Southern California" by Albert Hammond

       "It'll Chew You Up and Spit You Out" by Concrete Blonde

       "It's Just Work for Me" by Ry Cooder

       "I Want to Go Home" by Holly and the Italians

       "Jane Says" by Jane's Addiction

       "Jet Pilot" by System of a Down

       "Johny Hit and Run Paulene" by X

       "Join Me in L.A." by Warren Zevon

       "Karma's Payment" by Modest Mouse

       "A Kind of Christmas Card" by Morten Harket

       "L.A." by The Naked Brothers Band

       "L.A." by Ana Johnsson

       "L.A." by Butthole Surfers

       "L.A." by Elliott Smith

       "L.A." by MURS

       "L.A.L.A." by Neil Young

       "L.A." by Patent Pending

       "L.A." by Sportsday Megaphone

       "L.A." by The Fall

       "L.A. Blues" by Lightnin' Hopkins

       "L.A. Blues" by The Stooges

       "L.A. County" by Lyle Lovett

       "L.A. City" by Ahmad Jamal

       "L.A. Freeway" by Jerry Jeff Walker

       "L.A. Girl" by The Adolescents

       "L.A. Girls" by Jupiter Rising

       "L.A. Is My Kind of Place" by Barry White

       "L.A. Is My Lady" by Frank Sinatra

       "L.A. (My Town)" by Four Tops

       "L.A. Murder Motel" by Poni Hoax

       "L.A. Song" by Beth Hart

       "L.A. State Of Mind" by Melanie B

       "L.A. Sunshine" by War

       "LA LA" by Capone-N-Noreaga

       "L.A. Woman" by The Doors and covered by Billy Idol

       "L.A.P.D." by The Offspring

       "LAX" by Big D and the Kids Table

       "LAX" by Xzibit

       "LAX" by Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube

       "Lausd" by Jurassic 5

       "Lazy Dayz" by Shwayze

       "La Cienega Just Smiled" by Ryan Adams

       "Le Chateau" by Nous Non Plus

       "Letter to L.A." by Joe Ely

       "Life in L.A." by Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti

       "Life in the Fast Lane" by Eagles

       "Like They Say In L.A." by L.A. Carpool

       "Lonesome L.A. Cowboy" by Peter Rowan

       "Los Angeles" by Adema

       "Los Angeles" by Atmosphere

       "Los Angeles" by The Audition

       "Los Angeles" by The Brilliant Green

       "Los Angeles" by Counting Crows

       "Los Angeles" by The Firebird Band

       "Los Angeles" by Frank Black

       "Los Angeles" by Jim's Big Ego

       "Los Angeles" by Lil Menace

       "Los Angeles" by Kill Hannah

       "Los Angeles" by Morten Harket

       "Los Angeles" by Murray Head

       "Los Angeles" by Ozma

       "Los Angeles" by Sugarcult

       "Los Angeles" The 69 Eyes

       "Los Angeles" by X

       "Los Angeles" by Frank Black. Not the one in Los Angeles. Not the one in South California. They got one in South Patagonia.

       "Los Angeles Blues" by Lightnin' Hopkins

       "Los Angeles Daze" by People Under the Stairs

       "Los Angeles I'm Yours" by The Decemberists

       "Los Angeles is Burning" by Bad Religion

       "Los Angeles November 2019" by Vangelis(Blade Runner)

       "Los Angeles Poem" by Living Legends

       "Los Angeles Times" by Xzibit

       "Los Angeles Waltz" by Razorlight

       "Los Angeles Worldwide" by Good Charlotte

       "Los Angelinos" by Billy Joel

       "Los Angelinos" by Defari

       "Lost in Hollywood" by System of a Down

       "Love Potion Number Nine" by The Searchers

       "Love Power" by Dionne Warwick

       "Low Rider" by War

       "Lullaby" by Shawn Mullins

       "MacArthur Park" by Jimmy Webb

       "Malibu" by Hole

       "Manifest Destiny" by The Temporary Thing

       "Magic Johnson" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

       "Memories Of El Monte" by The Penguins

       "Men's Room, L.A." by Kinky Friedman

       "Moving to LA" by Art Brut

       "Moonlight Drive" by The Doors

       "More Bounce (In California)" by Soul Kid #1

       "Mr Flossangeles" by Basik

       "No.5" by Hollywood Undead

       "No Other Place" by Hollywood Undead

       "No Peace, Los Angeles" by Mike Doughty

       "No Se Vende La Calle" by Doc Gyneco

       "Nothing Like Cali Rollin" by Mr.Criminal

       "Not a Dull Moment" by Bad Astronaut

       "Now I'm a Fool" by Eagles of Death Metal

       "Ode to L.A." by The Raveonettes

       "Old L.A. Tonight" by Ozzy Osbourne

       "Old School Hollywood" by System of a Down

       "Onda Callejera" by Ry Cooder

       "One in a Million" by Guns N' Roses

       "On My Way in L.A." by Phil Carmen

       "Open Up" by Leftfield

       "Out in L.A." by Red Hot Chili Peppers

       "Out of L.A." by Jude

       "Pacific Coast Highway" by Burt Bacharach

       "Pacific Coast Party" by Smash Mouth

       "Panic Zone" by N.W.A.

       "Paradise City" by Guns N' Roses

       "Party in the U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus

       "Peace Frog" by The Doors

       "Peace Treaty" by Kam

       "Piano Man" by Billy Joel

       "Pico and Sepulveda" by Felix Figueroa & His Orchestra (regularly featured on Dr. Demento's syndicated radio show)

       "Pico and Sepulveda" by Lee Press-on and the Nails

       "Picture Postcards from L.A." by Joshua Kadison

       "Poor Man's Shangri-La" by Ry Cooder

       "Powerhouse" by The Game

       "Pretty Tied Up" by Guns N' Roses

       "Prophet" by Jude

       "Qué Onda Guero?" by Beck

       "Redondo Beach" by Patti Smith, later covered by Morrissey

       "Revolution Blues" by Neil Young

       "The River" by Good Charlotte

       "Rockin' and Rollin' on the Streets of Hollywood" by Buddy Miles

       "Rock Show" by Paul McCartney and Wings

       "Rooming House on Venice Beach" by Jonathan Richman

       "Route 66" by many artists

       "San Fernando Valley" by Bing Crosby

       "Saints of Los Angeles" by M?tley Crüe

       "Santa Ana River Delta Blues" by Wiskey Biscuit

       "Santa Monica" by Bedouin Soundclash

       "Santa Monica" by Everclear

       "Santa Monica" by Savage Garden

       "Santa Monica" by Theory of a Deadman

       "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" by Bette Midler

       "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" by Billy Joel

       "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" by Ronnie Spector

       "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" by Eminem

       "Screenwriter's Blues" by Soul Coughing

       "Scene for Dummies" by Hollywood Undead

       "Shooting Star" by Poison

       "Sin City" by The Flying Burrito Brothers

       "Skies of L.A." by Céline Dion

       "Slow Down" by The Academy Is...

       "So At Last" by Butch Walker

       "Some L.A. Niggaz" by Dr. Dre

       "Some Other Time" by X

       "Song to the City" by The Temporary Thing

       "A Sorta Fairytale" by Tori Amos

       "Spectacular Views" by Rilo Kiley

       "Still in Hollywood" by Concrete Blonde

       "Straight Outta Compton" by N.W.A.

       "Stuck in a Pagoda With Tritia Toyota" by The Dickies

       "Sunken Waltz" by Calexico

       "Sunset Strip" by Courtney Love

       "Surf Ain't No City (It's the Whole South Bay)" by Brakkers

       "Surf City" by Jan and Dean

       "Surfin' USA" by The Beach Boys

       "Sweet Dreams My L.A. Ex" by Rachel Stevens

       "Sweet L.A." by The Bleeding Deacons

       "The Bay to L.A." by The Grouch featuring MURS

       "The City of Angels" by The Distillers

       "The City With Two Faces" (AKA "Fuck L.A.") by Goldfinger

       "The Day the Niggaz Took Over" by Dr. Dre

       "The Great Los Angeles Flood" by Woody Guthrie

       "The Greatest Los Angeles Disaster of Them All" by The Foremen

       "The Kids" by Hollywood Undead

       "The L.A. Song" by People Under the Stairs

       "The Last Resort" by Eagles

       "The Little Old Lady from Pasadena" by Jan and Dean

       "The Promised Land" by Chuck Berry

       "The River" by Good Charlotte

       "The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man" by The Rolling Stones

       "The Vicodin Song" by Terra Naomi

       "This Is L.A." by Delinquent Habits

       "This Is L.A." by The Briggs

       "This Is Los Angeles" by WC

       "This Town" by The Go-Go's

       "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John

       "To Die in L.A." by West Indian Girl

       "To Live and Die in L.A." by Wang Chung

       "To Live and Die in L.A." by 2Pac

       "To Live & Die in C.A" by Daz Dillinger

       "To Protect and Entertain" (feat. Murs) by Busy P

       "Train" by Goldfrapp

       "Trouble in Tinseltown" by Royal Crown Revue

       "Twelve Thirty (Young Girls Are Coming to the Canyon)" by The Mamas & the Papas

       "Uncomfortably Numb" by Butch Walker

       "Under the Bridge" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

       "Valley Girl" by Frank Zappa

       "Van Nuys (Es Very Nice)" by Los Abandoned

       "Venice U.S.A." by Van Morrison

       "Ventura Highway" by America

       "Walking in L.A." by Missing Persons

       "Walking in L.A." by Hagfish

       "Walking on Sunset" by John Mayall

       "Wannabe in L.A." by Eagles of Death Metal

       "War Within a Breath" by Rage Against the Machine

       "Watts Riot" by Kam

       "We Lost Our Way" by Chris Isaak

       "Welcome Home" by Kurupt

       "Welcome Me" by Indigo Girls

       "Welcome to the Boomtown" by David & David

       "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses

       "West L.A. Fadeaway" by Grateful Dead

       "West of Hollywood" by Steely Dan

       "Westside" by Mr. Capone-E

       "What I Got" by Sublime

       "When Canyons Ruled the City" by Butch Walker

       "When Veronica Plays Her Harmonica" by Kay Kyser

       "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby

       "White Punks on Dope" by The Tubes

       "Whittier Blvd" by Thee Midniters

       "Why You'd Want to Live Here" by Death Cab for Cutie

       "The World Began in Eden and Ended in Los Angeles" by Phil Ochs

       "Zoot Suit Riot" by Cherry Poppin' Daddies

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