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简介泉州aim酒吧       我很了解泉州aim酒吧这个话题,并且可以为您提供一系列的信息和建议。请告诉我您需要了解什么。1.酒吧常放一首英文嗨歌后面高潮有一句是you know youknow2.“辛德勒的名单”开头部分在酒吧里演奏的舞曲叫什么名



1.酒吧常放一首英文嗨歌后面高潮有一句是you know youknow



4.急急急 酒吧黑人说唱 我怎么也找不到!~~~



酒吧常放一首英文嗨歌后面高潮有一句是you know youknow

       I'm Yours - Jason Mraz

       Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it

       I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted

       I fell right through the cracks

       Now I'm trying to get back

       Before the cool dawn run out

       I'll be giving it my bestest

       And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention

       I reckon, it's again my turn

       To win some or learn some

       But I won't hesitate

       No more, no more

       It cannot wait

       I'm yours

       Well, open up your mind and see like me

       Open up your plans and damn you're free

       Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love

       Listen to the music of the moment

       People dance and sing, we're just one big family

       And it's our God-forsaken

       Right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved

       So I won't hesitate

       No more, no more

       It cannot wait

       I'm sure

       There's no need to complicate

       Our time is short

       This is our fate

       I'm yours

       Do you want to come on, scootch on over closer, dear

       And I will nibble your ear

       I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror

       And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer

       But my breath fogged up the glass

       And so I drew a new face and I laughed

       I guess what I'll be saying is there ain't no better reason

       To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons

       It's what we aim to do

       Our name is our virtue

       But I won't hesitate

       No more, no more

       It cannot wait

       I'm yours





       Thank you, thank you, thank you

       You're far too kind

       (Ready? Let's go!)

       Can I get an encore

       Do you want more?

       Cooking raw with the Brooklyn boy

       So for one last time I need y'all to roar

       Now what the hell are you waiting for

       After me there shall be no more

       So for one last time nigga make some noise

       Get them Jay

       Who you know fresher than Hov'? Riddle me that

       The rest of y'all know where I'm lyrically at

       Can't none of y'all mirror me back

       Yeah hearing me rap is like hearing G. Rap in his prime

       I'm young H.O. rap's Grateful Dead

       Back to take over the globe now break bread

       I'm in Boeing jets Global Express

       Out the country but the blueberry still connect

       On the low but the yacht got a triple deck

       But when you young, what the fuck you expect? Yep, yep

       Grand opening grand closing

       God your man Hov' cracked the can open again

       Who you gon' find doper than him with no pen

       Just draw off inspiration

       Soon you gon' see you can't replace him with

       Cheap imitations for DESE GENERATIONS

       Can I get an encore

       Do you want more

       Cooking raw with the Brooklyn boy

       So for one last time I need y'all to roar

       Now what the hell are you waiting for

       After me there shall be no more

       So for one last time nigga make some noise

       What the hell are you waiting for

       Look what you made me do, look what I made for you

       Knew if I paid my dues, how will they pay you?

       When you first come in the game they try to play you

       Then you drop a couple of hits, look how they we to you

       From Marcy to Madison Square

       To the only thing that matters in just a matter of years

       As fate would he it Jay's status ears

       To be at an all-time high, perfect time to say goodbye

       When I come back like Jordan, wearing the 4-5

       It ain't to play games witchu

       It's to aim at you probably maim you

       If I owe you I'm blowing you to smithereeens

       Cocksucker take one for your team

       And I need you to remember one thing (one thing)

       I came I saw I conquered

       From record sales to sold out concerts

       So muh'fucker if you want this encore

       I need you to scream 'til your lungs get sore

       Come on

       I抦 tired of being what you want me to be

       Feeling so faithless lost under the surface

       Don抰 know what you抮e expecting of me

       Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

       (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)

       Every step that I take is another mistake to you

       (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)

       And every second I waste is more than I can take

       I抳e become so numb I can抰 feel you there

       Become so tired so much more aware

       I抦 becoming this, all I want to do

       Is be more like me and be less like you

       I've become so numb

       Can I get an encore

       Do you want more (more, more, more)

       I抳e become so numb

       One last time I need y'all to roar

       One last time I need y'all to roar


       不知道是不是你要的 :)


       1. Theme From 'Schindler's List' - Itzhak Perlman

       2. Jewish Town (Krakow Ghetto - Winter '41) - Itzhak Perlman

       3. Immolation (With Our Lives, We Give Life) - John Williams

       4. Remembrances - John Williams

       5. Schindler's Workforce - John Williams

       6. Oyf'n Pripetshok/Nacht Aktion - The Li-ron Herzeliya Children's Choir

       7. I Could He Done More - Itzhak Perlman

       8. Auschwitz-Birkenau - Itzhak Perlman

       9. Stolen Memories - John Williams

       10. Making The List - Itzhak Perlman

       11. Give Me Your Names - John Williams

       12. Yeroushalaim Chel Zah (Jerusalem Of Gold) - The Ramat Gan Chamber Choir/Hana Tzur, Cond.

       13. Remembrances (With Itzhak Perlman) - Itzhak Perlman

       14. Theme From Schindler's List (Reprise) - John Williams

急急急 酒吧黑人说唱 我怎么也找不到!~~~


        <p>Irish Pubs</p><p> 爱尔兰酒馆</p><p> Irish pubs can be found in every corner of the world. Most major capitals in the west will he at least a few. Even in South America and the Far East one can enjoy a pint of stout while listening to traditional Irish music. Are these bars opened to serve homesick Irish expats living abroad? With a population of about 4 million, Ireland could hardly provide enough expats to keep a fraction of them up and running. It is owing to the reputation of Irish pubs, and Irish drinking culture in general, that they can be found wherever there are large munities of Americans and Europeans.</p><p> 你可以在世界的每个角落里寻觅到爱尔兰酒馆的身影。






        </p><p> 'Fun, music and drink'; this is a sign monly seen on Irish pubs and it indicates the kind of atmosphere that these bars aim to create. The key to a successful bar is the atmosphere it exudes. Many of the Irish theme bars found abroad strive to recreate the ambience of bars in Ireland by playing Irish music and decorating the interiors with Irish paraphernalia.</p><p> “快乐、音乐和美酒”;这就是爱尔兰酒馆常见的招牌文字,它表明了这类酒吧力图营造的气氛类型。



        </p><p> What is so special about Irish pubs? Roughly speaking, there are two kinds of bars in Ireland. The most mon bar is known as the local pub and it is this type that has influenced the theme bars found in foreign countries. The word 'pub' stands for 'public house' and that's exactly what the local pub is. Every munity in Ireland, both urban and rural, will he a few local pubs. (Most areas he more than a few). Not unlike the teahouses of old Sichuan, the local pub acts as a recreation centre for the munity.</p><p> 爱尔兰酒馆究竟有什么特别之处呢?总的来说,爱尔兰的酒吧分为两种。


        单词“pub”代表着“public house”(公共场所),而这正是本地酒馆的内涵所在。




        </p><p> During daylight one can eat lunch in a local pub, read a newspaper, chat with other customers and generally enjoy a respite from the daily grind. At night the bar will fill up with residents from the area ending their day by catching up on the local gossip, discussing politics and sport, and getting tipsy in the process. In many pubs, those who want privacy can find it in a snug. A snug is a little room blocked off from the rest of the bar by a wooden screen.</p><p> 白天,人们可以在本地酒馆里享用午餐、阅读报纸、与其他客人闲聊,总的来说是在忙里偷闲、放松自己。




        </p><p> Needless to say, Ireland also has a wide array of trendy modern bars aimed at younger customers and these are mostly situated in city and town areas. Noheless, the more traditional bar is still going strong and continues to eal to locals and foreigners alike. It is rooted in a drinking culture that has a long history. In Ireland, whiskey has long been known as 'the water of life' and throughout the centuries bars he been places where marriages were arranged, business deals clinched and revolutions hatched. Many of the bars themselves he long histories. There are a few bars in Ireland today that first started serving drinkers in the early 查看原帖>>


       Sexbomb - Tom Jones feat. Mousse T.


       Aw, Aw baby, Yeah, ooh Yeah, huh, listen to this

       Spy on me baby use satellite

       Infrared to see me move through the night

       Aim gonna fire shoot me right

       I'm gonna like the way you fight

       And I love the way you fight

       Now you found the secret code

       I use to wash away my lonely blues well

       So I can't deny or lie cause you're a

       only one who make me fly

       (You know what you are? You are..)

       Sexbomb bomb you're a bomb uh, huh

       You can give it to me when I need to come along give it to me

       Sexbomb bomb you're my bomb

       And baby you can turn me on baby you can turn me on

       You know what you're doing to me don't you. ha ha,

       I know you do

       No don't get me wrong ain't gonna do you no harm no

       This bomb's made for lovin' and you can shoot it far

       I'm your main target come and help me ignite ow

       Love struck holding you tight hold me tight darlin'

       (Hold me tight..)

       Make me explode although you know the route

       to go to me slow slow baby

       And yes I must react to claims of those who say

       that you are not all that huh, huh, huh

       Sexbomb bomb you're my bomb

       You can give it to me when I need to come along

       Sexbomb bomb you're my bomb

       And baby you can turn me on turn me on darlin'

       Sexbomb bomb you're my bomb bomb

       You can give it to me when I need to come along

       Sexbomb bomb you're my bomb

       And baby you can turn me on

       You can give me more and more counting up the score


       You can turn me upside down inside out

       You can make me feel the real deal uh uh

       I can give it to you any time because you're mine, ouch


       Sexbomb, aw baby

       Sexbomb bomb you're my bomb

       And you can give it to me when I need to be turned on

       No, no Sexbomb bomb you're my bomb

       And baby you can turn me on turn me on

       And baby you can turn me on turn me on

       Baby you can turn me on turn me on

       Ooh baby you can turn me on turn me on

       Baby you can turn me on oh

       Baby you can turn me on oh

       Baby you can turn me on

       Well baby you can turn me on

       你好,,,经费要从很多方面看,,,200平米的酒吧是不大,,,这个要看你开什么类型的酒吧,,如果是慢摇酒吧,你买设备都还不够啊,,如果是中层音乐吧,或者高端音乐酒吧 是绝对够的,,和城市好坏无关,城市的经济能绝对你酒吧的经营的运势,
