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       Be responsible for the project team,make sure the team members are capable of doing the job and assist to their principal.


       To provide the basic JCMS training course to the team members.


       To survey,analize,improve and control the process of the project by the means of JCMS.


       To submit the report about project process to the principal and other relative leaders at least once per month.


       To lay out the clear chasing plan and make sure the project can be finished on time up to the standard.


       Be able to find out the reason to the failure and ask for the help of the principal.


       To take the necessary training course and to learn the necessary technique.


       To improve one's knowledge structure and would like to share his best experience with other JCMS executers.


       To help the pricipal ascertain and empold the new projects.


       To make the analysis of training need,to make the training plan and training outline of the factory,and to carry out the plan after it's being approved.


       To make and carry out the special training plan.


       To design the training topic, to compile the traing course and teaching plan.


       To assist to director on looking for and making use of the outer training resource.


       To design the training form and method.


       To set up the evaluation system of inner training,and to organize/assist to the director on training evaluation.


       To assist to the director on the popularization of the knowledge and ideas of the company.


       Lay out and carry out the training plan of the factory.

       Lead the production team to improve CI,so as to save RMB15~20million for the factory.


       Being awarded as Excellent Member of the company several times.

       2004/04 -- 2004/08:国家劳动社会保障部 | 国家二级人力资源管理师

       April,2004~August,2004:working for China's Labour and Social Security Dept.

       National 2nd class HR manager

       东北师范大学 | 汉语言文学 | 本科

       Northeast Normal University \Chinese Literature\Bachelor Degree


       Guoyan Consultation Co.,Ltd.


       Authorized by TS16949


       Familiar with TS16949 system,and have improve the company's stystem according to the requirements of the system.


       Obtained the certificate of inner censor of TS16949


       Quality Security Dept.of Dazhong Co.,Ltd.


       Supplier management system


       Know the supplier management systems including product censor system

       obtained supplier management qualification of Dazhong Co.,Ltd.



       general management capability


       Leadership College of American Johnson Co.,Ltd.


       Leadership training

       including team building,listening,communication,conflict solution

       2001/06 -- 2001/07:国家安全管理局

       June,2001~July,2001:National Security Management Bureau


       Training course:Profession Health,Safety and Environment


       Description of the training course:To master various production tools including 5S,speedy transfer,TPM,anti-fault,value flow and so on.


       Obtained the certificate of National 2nd Class HR Manager


       Vocabulary Acquisition through deliberate learning and fringe Acquisition two ways. Students in China, especially in the high school level, in reading vocabulary was considered incidental Acquisition arising from the students vocabulary, context clues, cultural background and knowledge of factors rather than easier. Along with the improvement of conditions for learning English, students exposure to English Corpus opportunities has increased. Students raise the standard of English, vocabulary entirely incidental Acquisition in high school levels. Accordingly, this study made two assumptions. Assumption 1: high school students can read in the fringe Acquisition vocabulary. Assumption 2: learning vocabulary direct and indirect learning can be combined to promote a better vocabulary acquisition. In experiments that can be read with a certain amount of vocabulary acquisition. Students not only learned some Chao-gang vocabulary, but also to outline requirements has a better grasp of the word memory effect. Also found in the vocabulary knowledge at all levels, meaning Acquisition mix and syntax is superior to the acquisition. In terms abilities, the students receive skills and outputs skills there is a big gap between the two associated small. So teachers should pay attention to strengthening student capacity output capacity and accept the mutual conversion.

       不知道翻译的怎么样 还是希望你能信我都是我自己亲手翻译的哦`




       Outline of the Investigation Report on the China’s Power Transmission and Transformation Industry

       随着中国电力工业进入大机组、大电厂、大电网、超高压、自动化、信息化时代;中国在电力结构方面,调整了发电、输电、配电之间的关系。在发展电源的同时,高度重视电网建设,使输电网、城网、农网均得到极大发展,极大地促进了输变电产业整体质量的提升。这是一个非常有前景的市场和价值无限大的产业。With China’s electric power industry entering into the era of large generator, large power plant, large grid, ultra-high voltage, automation, and informatization, the relations among power generation, transmission, and distribution in China are adjusted in the aspect of power structure. While developing electric power sources the power grid construction is paid more attention, so that the transmission grid, including urban grid and rural grid is developed greatly, thereby promoting greatly the enhancement of the integrated quality of China’s power transmission and transformation industry. This is a very prospective market and an industry with indefinite value.


       From Jan. to Dec. of 2005, China’s power transmission and distribution, and power control equipment manufacturing industries achieved a total cumulative output value of 302.962286 billion yuan RMB, having an increase of 24% over the previous year; achieved cumulative product sales revenue of 289.289690 billion yuan RMB, having an increase of 22.11% over the previous year; achieved total cumulative profit 21.358889 billion yuan RMB, having an increase of 19.20% over the previous year; and the total cumulative loss of all deficit enterprises was 1.451629 yuan RMB, having an increase of 25% over the previous year.


       From Jan. to Dec. of 2006, China’s power transmission and distribution, and power control equipment manufacturing industry achieved a total cumulative output value of 398.921043 billion yuan RMB, having an increase of 28.03% over the previous year; achieved cumulative product sales revenue of 383.616.162 billion yuan RMB, having an increase of 28.36% over the previous year; achieved total cumulative profit 27.887164 billion yuan RMB, having an increase of 26.58% over the previous year; and the total cumulative loss of all deficit enterprises was 1.300923 yuan RMB, having an decrease of 9.35% over the previous year.


       The electric power construction in China has paid more attention in power generation and less attention in power transmission and distribution, this results to a weaker grid architecture, aged distribution grid, smaller exchange capacity among regional grids, and the neighboring power networking using single circuit line as the tie line. In some regions the grids become the “bottle neck” between power sources and final customers resulting, in a considerable degree, in “lacking power supplying” and “excessive power supplying” phenomenon. This is just a market node for our technology to play its role, and a development opportunity for power transmission and transformation industry.


       China is a large country in electric power, and has enormous demand on the power transmission and transformation, and control equipment with the rapid development of electric power. Furthermore, with the enhancement of the technology level and decrease of the cost in power transmission and transformation, and control equipment, the export of power transmission and transformation, and control equipment will account for more shares in China’s export trade. Looking at the future development trend

       The amount of collective-owned and private enterprises increases rapidly and they have better production benefit. In addition they have gradually absorbed some production elements, such as international capitals and technology, into China. Owing to the future market potential in China, some famous enterprises of developed countries have moved their R & D Center to China. Therefore China will become a large production country in the field of power transmission and transformation, and control equipment. According to the incomplete statistics the total annual economic output of China’s power transmission and transformation, and control equipment industry has achieved more than one thousand billion yuan RMB.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































