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3.american midwest


ulster hall




        1、Harvard University(马萨诸塞州)哈佛大学

        2、Princeton University(新泽西州)普林斯顿大学

        3.Yale University(康涅狄格州)耶鲁大学

        4.Massachusetts Inst. of Technology麻省理工学院

        5.California Institute of Technology加州理工学院

        6、Duke University(北卡罗来纳州)杜克大学

        7、Stanford University(加利福尼亚州)美国斯坦福大学

        8、University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学

        9.Dartmouth College(新罕布什尔州)达特茅斯学院

        10、Washington University in St.Louis华盛顿大学

        11.Columbia University(纽约州)哥伦比亚大学

        12、Northwestern University(伊利诺伊州)西北大学


        1.Alliant International University(加利福尼亚州) 36% Alliant国际大学

        2.University of Bridgeport(康涅狄格州) 27% 桥港大学

        3.Florida Institute of Technology 23% 佛罗里达理工学院


        1.Harvard University(马萨诸塞州) 11% 哈佛大学

        2.Princeton University(新泽西州) 11% 普林斯顿大学

        3.Columbia University(纽约州) 12% 哥伦比亚大学


        1.Harvard University(马萨诸塞州)98% 哈佛大学

        2.Princeton University(新泽西州)97% 普林斯顿大学

        3.Brown University(罗德岛州)95% 布朗大学

        4.Dartmouth College(新罕布什尔州)95% 达特茅斯学院

        5.University of Notre Dame(印地安纳州)95% 圣母大学

        6.Yale University(康涅狄格州)95% 耶鲁大学


        1.Union Institute and University(俄亥俄州) 100%

        2.National-Louis University(伊利诺伊州) 89%

        3.New School University(纽约州) 87%


        1、Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院

        2.Stanford University(加利福尼亚州)美国斯坦福大学

        3.University of California–Berkeley加大柏克莱分校

        4.University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign UCIEP加盟校

        5.Georgia Institute of Technology乔治亚理工学院

        6.California Institute of Technology加州理工学院

        7、University of Southern California (Andrew and Erna Viterbi)南加州大学

        8.Purdue University–West Lafayette东南大学土木工程学院

        9、University of Michigan–AnnArbor密歇根大学

        10.Cornell University(纽约州)康奈尔大学


        1.Yale University(康涅狄格州)耶鲁大学

        2.Harvard University(马萨诸塞州)哈佛大学

        3.Stanford University(加利福尼亚州)斯坦福大学

        4.Columbia University(纽约州)哥伦比亚大学

        5.New York University纽约大学

        6.University of Chicago芝加哥大学

        7.University of Michigan–AnnArbor密歇根大学

        8.University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学

        9.University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学

        10.Duke University(北卡罗来纳州)杜克大学

        11.Northwestern University(伊利诺伊州)西北大学


        1.Harvard University(马萨诸塞州)哈佛大学

        2.Washington University in St.Louis华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校

        3.Johns Hopkins University(马里兰州)约翰·霍普金斯大学

        4.Duke University(北卡罗来纳州)杜克大学

        5.University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学

        6.University of California–San Francisco加州大学旧金山分校

        7.University of Michigan–Ann Arbor密歇根大学

        8.Columbia University - College of Physicians and Surgeons(纽约州)哥伦比亚大学

        9.Stanford University(加利福尼亚州)斯坦福大学

        10.University of Washington华盛顿大学

        11.Yale University(康涅狄格州)耶鲁大学










       8圣安德鲁斯大学,St Andrews


























       34罗伯特高登大学,Robert Gordon








       42伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院,Royal Holloway


       44Harper Adams University College



       46德蒙福特大学,De Montfort



       50伦敦大学玛丽女王学院,Queen Mary




       54牛津布鲁克斯大学,Oxford Brookes






       60谢菲尔德哈莱姆大学,Sheffield Hallam


       61中央兰开夏大学,Central Lancashire

       63St Mary's University College






       69巴斯斯巴大学,Bath Spa




       73曼彻斯特城市大学,Manchester Metropolitan








       81Leeds Trinity University College

       82Royal Agricultural College



       85格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学,Glasgow Caledonian

       86西苏格兰大学,West of Scotland

       87约克圣约翰大学,York St John

       88University College Birmingham



       91伦敦南岸大学,South Bank


       92阿伯泰邓迪大学,Abertay Dundee


       94玛格丽特女王大学,Queen Margaret





       100南安普顿索伦特大学,Southampton Solent






       106利兹城市大学,Leeds Metropolitan

       107艾吉希尔大学,Edge Hill


       109新白金汉大学,Bucks New

       110West London


       112安格里亚鲁斯金大学,Anglia Ruskin

       113威尔士大学三一圣大卫学院,Trinity St David


       115伦敦都市大学,London Metropolitan


       117伦敦艺术大学,Arts London

american midwest


       Overview, history, and defining influences

       Canadian culture is a product of Canada's history and geography. Most of Canada's territory was inhabited and developed later than other European colonies in the Americas, with the result that themes and symbols of pioneers, trappers, and traders were important in the early development of Canadian culture.[1] The British conquest of Quebec in 1759 brought a large francophone population under British rule, creating a need for compromise and accommodation, while the migration of United Empire Loyalists from the Thirteen Colonies brought in strong British and American influences, combined with a sense of anti-Americanism that survives to this day.[2]

       Although not without conflict, Canada's early interactions with native populations were relatively peaceful, compared to the experience of native peoples in the United States. Combined with relatively late economic development in many regions, this peaceful history has allowed Canadian native peoples to have a relatively strong influence on the national culture while preserving their own identity.[3]

       [edit] Bilingualism and Multiculturalism

       Main articles: Bilingualism in Canada and Languages of Canada

       French Canada's early development was relatively cohesive during the 17th and 18th centuries, and this was preseved by the Quebec Act of 1774, which allowed francophone culture to survive and thrive within Canada.[4] In 1867, the British North America Act was designed to meet the growing calls for Canadian autonomy while avoiding the overly-strong decentralization that contributed to the Civil War in the United States.[5] The compromises made by Macdonald and Cartier set Canada on a path to bilingualism,[6] and this in turn contributed to an acceptance of diversity that later led to both multiculturalism and tolerance of First Nations culture and customs.[7]

       Multicultural heritage is enshrined in Section 27 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In parts of Canada, especially the major cities of Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto (for example, in Toronto's Kensington Market area), multiculturalism itself is the cultural norm and diversity is the force that unites the community.[8]

       In Quebec, cultural identity is strong, and many Quebecois commentators speak of a Quebec culture as distinguished from English Canadian culture, but some also see Canada as a collection of several regional, aboriginal, and ethnic subcultures. [9] John Ralston Saul argues that Gabrielle Roy is better known in anglophone Canada than in France, and more French-Canadians know of Margaret Laurence and Atom Egoyan than Americans.

       While French Canadian culture is the most obvious example, Celtic influences have allowed survival of non-English dialects in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland; however, the influence of Ulster immigrants to Toronto has had the effect of minimizing Irish influences in Ontario's culture, and highlighting British influences instead, until the 1980s. Canada's Pacific trade has also brought a large Chinese influence into British Columbia and other areas.

       Canada's cultural diversity also creates an environment much more accepting of gay and lesbian people than one finds in the United States or most other countries.[10] For example, in 1995, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in Egan v. Canada that sexual orientation should be "read in" to Section Fifteen of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a part of the Constitution of Canada guaranteeing equal rights to all Canadians. Following a series of decisions by provincial courts and the Supreme Court of Canada, on July 20, 2005, Bill C-38 received Royal Assent, legalizing same-sex marriage in Canada. Canada thus became the fourth country to officially sanction gay marriage nationwide, after The Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain. Furthermore, by 2005, sexual orientation was included as a protected status in the human rights laws of the federal government and of all provinces and territories.

       Further information: Gay rights in Canada

       [edit] Geography, climate, and immigration

       Main articles: Geography of Canada and Immigration to Canada

       Canada's geography and climate have influenced culture, with themes of isolation and environmental adaptation, and a heightened conflict between urban and non-urban subcultures.[11][12] Canada's dispersed geography also allows strong regional cultures to survive without the pressures of assimilation that exist in more densely populated countries.

       [edit] American influences and "anti-Americanism"

       Easy access to broadcast media has brought many American influences into Canadian culture since the mid-20th century. As a reaction, many Canadians attempt to define Canadian culture by how it is better, or at least different, from American culture. Defending and enhancing national culture is a major political priority for the Canadian government, with the CRTC and the Department of Canadian Heritage having responsibility for promoting Canadian culture. The Governor General's Awards very often highlight the contributions of Canadians to the nation's culture. At the same time, easy access to American media has allowed many Canadian performers and entertainers to succeed internationally in the areas of music, comedy, movies, and television. Canada's historical ties to British culture help raise the profile of Canadians in the area of literature and theatre.

       Having avoided many of America's wars, Canadian culture often includes themes of pacifism, anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, and multilateralism. Nationalism is more often seen in a negative light and a cause for conflict, not as the virtue of patriotism as in the United States. Conversely, Canadian suspicion of nationalist tendencies is itself a mitigating influence against anti-Americanism. A corollary is that Canada is more strongly monarchist than many post-colonial Commonwealth states; many Canadians see the monarchy as an essential, unifying link among Canada's historical cultures, whereas some in Canada and other Commonwealth realms see it as a reminder of political imperialism. Canadian idealism makes many Canadians critical of government, social, and cultural institutions and traditions, comparing the status quo to their idealized view of what Canada could become rather than to the reality of other countries.

       [edit] Art

       Main article: Art in Canada

       [edit] Literature

       See also: Canadian literature and List of Canadian writers

       [edit] Canadian theatre

       Main article: Theatre in Canada

       Canada has a thriving stage theatre scene, especially in Southern Ontario and in Quebec. Theatre festivals draw many tourists in the summer months, especially the Stratford Festival of Canada in Stratford, Ontario, and the Shaw Festival in Niagara On The Lake, Ontario. The Famous People Players are only one of many touring companies that have also developed an international reputation. Canada also boasts the world's second largest live theatre festival, the Edmonton Fringe Festival.

       [edit] Film and television

       Main articles: Cinema of Canada and Television in Canada

       See also: Cinema of Quebec

       The Canadian film market was dominated by the American film industry for decades, although that film industry has since inception seen a prominent role for actors, directors, producers and technicians of Canadian origin. In the 1960s Michel Brault, Pierre Perrault, Gilles Groulx, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Arthur Lamothe, Claude Jutra and other filmmakers from Quebec began to challenge Hollywood by making innovative and politically relevant documentary and feature films. Among the important English-speaking filmmakers from this period are Allan King, Norman Jewison and Robin Spry. Michael Snow continues to be one of the most respected experimental film makers in the world. Norman Jewison received an Irving Thalberg Academy Award in recognition for his lifetime achievement in film in 1999.

       Canada has developed a vigorous film industry that has produced a variety of well-known films, actors, and auteurs. In fact, this eclipsing may sometimes be creditable for the rather bizarre and quite innovative directions of the works of such auteurs as Atom Egoyan (The Sweet Hereafter, 1997) and David Cronenberg (The Fly, Naked Lunch, A History of Violence). Also, the distinct French-Canadian society permits the work of directors such as Denys Arcand and Denis Villeneuve. However given Canada's small population and perhaps, because of the closeness of the giant American TV and film industries, distinctively Canadian productions such as those in the TIFF List of Canada's Top Ten Films of All Time are relatively thin on the ground, compared with the situations in the United Kingdom. However, Lion's Gates Films and Alliance Atlantis are two film production companies headquartered in Canada which have grown large enough to compete with larger American productions down south. In addition, because of the intricate relationship between the American and Canadian film industry, numerous films such as David Cronenberg's A History of Violence (2005) are often credited as both Canadian films by Canadian publications and as American films by American publications due to differing definitions of what constitutes a Canadian or American film by each country.

       A number of Canadian pioneers in early Hollywood significantly contributed to the creation of the motion picture industry in the early days of the 20th century. Over the years, many Canadians have made enormous contributions to the American entertainment industry, although they are frequently not recognized as Canadians (see Famous Canadians).

       Canada's film industry is in full expansion as a site for Hollywood productions. The series The X-Files was famously shot in Vancouver as is Stargate SG-1, the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, and The Outer Limits. The American Queer as Folk is filmed in Toronto. Since the 1980s, Canada, and Vancouver in particular, has become known as Hollywood North. As with its southern counterpart in California, USA, many Canadians are employed in the film industry, and celebrity-spotting is frequent throughout many Canadian cities. Montreal, due to its European appearance, has served in a great variety of mainstream movies, attracting the loyalty of industry people such as Bruce Willis; there are plans to build the world's biggest film studio on the outskirts of the city. The choice of location is allegedly due to cost, rather than a requirement for a 'Canadian atmosphere'. The frequent question of a Canadian, seeing a film crew on his or her local streets, is 'Which bit of the States are we pretending to be today?'.

       Canadian television, especially supported by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, is the home of a variety of locally-produced shows. French-language television, like French Canadian film, is buffered from excessive American influence by the fact of language, and likewise supports a host of home-grown productions. The relative success of French-language domestic television and movies in Canada often exceeds that of its English-language counterpart.

       The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission's Canadian content regulations dictate that a certain percentage of a domestic broadcaster's transmission time must include content that is produced by Canadians, or covers Canadian subjects. This also applies to US cable television channels such as MTV and the Discovery Channel, which have local versions of their channels available on Canadian cable networks. Similarly, BBC Canada, while primarily showing BBC shows from the UK, also carries Canadian output.

       National Film Board of Canada [1], is 'a public agency that produces and distributes films and other audiovisual works which reflect Canada to Canadians and the rest of the world'. The agency helped to pioneer the concept of the documentary.

       The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is considered by many to be one of the most prevalent film festivals for Western cinema.

       Canada has produced many film and television stars, newscasters, directors and producers including: Pamela Anderson, Brent Butt, Jim Carrey, Roy Dupuis, Michael J. Fox, Lorne Greene, Peter Jennings, Norman Jewison, Eugene Levy, Lorne Michaels, Rick Moranis, Mike Myers, Keanu Reeves, William Shatner, Martin Short, Donald Sutherland, Ryan Gosling, Kiefer Sutherland, Hayden Christensen, Jessica Tandy, Alan Thicke, Rachel McAdams and Alex Trebek.

       In addition, many popular political documentaries such as Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent, The Corporation and Bowling for Columbine involved Canadian production and funding. Some of other more notable documentaries include: Nanook of the North, Final Offer (film), and Canada: A People's History.

       [edit] Comedy

       Main article: Canadian humour

       The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is noted for political satire such as This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Rick Mercer Report, and Royal Canadian Air Farce.

       Canada has produced many eminent national humorists. The Kids in the Hall were a popular Canadian sketch group. Also the Second City Television show originated in the Toronto Second City operation, which produced many comedians that went on to success worldwide, including John Candy, Rick Moranis, Eugene Levy, Dave Thomas, Catherine O'Hara, and others. The team of creators for SCTV, including Lorne Michaels, were later transplanted in New York City to create Saturday Night Live.

       Other notable Canadian comics and comedy groups include Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Martin Short, Tom Green, Dan Aykroyd, Leslie Nielsen, CODCO (the precursors to This Hour Has 22 Minutes), Maggie Cassella, and Elvira Kurt. The Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal is the world's largest comedy festival.

       Canadian humour is often described as being not as 'punchline-friendly' as its American counterpart, but not as 'off-the-wall' as its UK counterpart.[citation needed]

       [edit] Music

       See also: Music of Canada

       Canada has developed its own brands of traditional music, including the French, Irish and Scottish-derived Cape Breton fiddle music of the Maritimes, the Franco-Celtic styles of Quebec that often include foot percussion and a scat style called turlutte, and other national styles from the Ottawa Valley to the west. Noted proponents are Buddy MacMaster and his niece Natalie of Cape Breton, and Madame Bolduc of Quebec, whose recordings in the 1930s lifted her people through depressing times.

       The Canadian music industry has been helped by government regulation designed to protect and encourage the growth of distinct Canadian culture. The Canadian Content (CANCON) regulations force all radio stations in Canada to play at least 35% Canadian music. This has enabled Canadian artists to garner success on the airwaves which were once dominated by American and European acts. Now it is common to hear several Canadian songs on the radio every hour you listen.

       In the realm of popular music, Canada has produced a variety of internationally successful performers, including (alphabetically): Bryan Adams, Paul Anka, Arcade Fire, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, The Band, Barenaked Ladies, Blue Rodeo, Paul Brandt, Broken Social Scene, Michael Bublé, Terri Clark, Bruce Cockburn, Leonard Cohen, Stompin' Tom Conners, Cowboy Junkies, Céline Dion, D.O.A., Front Line Assembly, Nelly Furtado, Matthew Good, Glenn Gould, Robert Goulet, Great Big Sea, The Guess Who, Ronnie Hawkins, k-os, Diana Krall, k.d. Lang, Avril Lavigne, Félix Leclerc, Gordon Lightfoot, Sarah McLachlan, Joni Mitchell, Alanis Morissette, Anne Murray, Oscar Peterson, Rush, Hank Snow, Steppenwolf,Silverstein (band), Sum 41, David Clayton Thomas, The Tragically Hip, Trooper, Shania Twain, Gilles Vigneault, Rufus Wainwright and Neil Young.

       [edit] Symbols

       Official symbols of Canada include the maple leaf, beaver, and the Canadian Horse [2][3]. Many official symbols of the country such as the Flag of Canada have been changed or modified over the past few decades in order to 'Canadianize' them and de-emphasise or remove references to the United Kingdom. Symbols of the monarchy in Canada continue to be featured in, for example, the Coat of Arms of Canada and armed forces Her Majesty's Canadian Ship. The designation 'Royal' remains for institutions as varied as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, though with the 1968 unification of the three armed forces into the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Air Force and Royal Canadian Navy ceased to exist. However, certain Canadian Forces Land Force Command (army) units carry "Royal" titles, Canadian Forces Maritime Command vessels are still styled "HMCS" and Canadian Forces Air Command squadrons still use a Royal Air Force-derived badge surmounted by the Queen's Crown as their official crests.

       [edit] Aboriginal influences

       There were, and are, many distinct Aboriginal peoples across Canada, each with its own culture, beliefs, values, language, and history. Much of this legacy remains celebrated artistically, and in other ways, in Canada to this day. Part of the emblem of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics is an inukshuk, a stack of rocks in human form that is a part of Inuit culture, although this is seen as inapproprite by many Vancouverites . [4]

       [edit] Multicultural Elements

       Multiculturalism, officially endorsed in Section Twenty-seven of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, has a large influence on Canadian culture, which is post-ethnic and trans-national in character. According to the Department of Canadian Heritage,[5]

       Canada's ethnic, racial and religious diversity is rapidly increasing. According to the 2001 census, more than 200 ethnic origins are represented in Canada. About 13.5 percent of the population is a member of a visible minority group and that proportion is expected to reach 20 percent by 2016. Immigration now accounts for more than 50 percent of Canada's population growth, with immigrants coming mainly from Asia and the Middle East. It is projected that, after 2025, Canada's population growth will be based solely on immigration.


       Midwestern United States这个说得很全了。

       The Midwestern United States (or Midwest) refers to the north-central states of the United States of America, specifically Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.[3] A 2006 Census Bureau estimate put the population at 66,217,736. Both the geographic center of the contiguous U.S. and the population center of the U.S. are in the Midwest. The United States Census Bureau divides this region into the East North Central States (essentially the Great Lakes States); and the West North Central States (essentially the Great Plains States), although Minnesota, which is listed among the West North Central states, is not listed as a Great Plains state.

       Chicago is the largest city in the region, followed by Detroit and Indianapolis. Other important cities in the region include: Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Des Moines, Kansas City, Madison, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Omaha, St. Louis, and Wichita.

       The term Midwest has been in common use for over 100 years. Other designations for the region have fallen into disuse, such as the "Northwest" or "Old Northwest" (from Northwest Territory), "Mid-America," or "Heartland". Since the book Middletown appeared in 1929, sociologists have often used Midwestern cities, and the Midwest generally, as "typical" of the entire nation.[4] The Midwest region of the United States has a higher employment to population ratio (the percentage of employed people at least 16 years old) than the Northeast, the West, the South, or the Sun Belt states.[5]

       Traditional definitions of the Midwest include the Northwest Ordinance "Old Northwest" states and many states that were part of the Louisiana Purchase. The states of the Old Northwest are also known as "Great Lakes states". Many of the Louisiana Purchase states are also known as Great Plains states.

       The North Central Region, is defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as these 12 states:

       Illinois: Old Northwest, Ohio River, and Great Lakes state.

       Indiana: Old Northwest, Ohio River, and Great Lakes state.

       Iowa: Louisiana Purchase, Great Plains state.

       Kansas: Louisiana Purchase, Border state, Great Plains state.

       Michigan: Old Northwest and Great Lakes state.

       Minnesota: Old Northwest and Great Lakes state; western part Louisiana Purchase.

       Missouri: Louisiana Purchase, Border state, Great Plains state.

       Nebraska: Louisiana Purchase, Great Plains state.

       North Dakota: Louisiana Purchase, Great Plains state .

       Ohio: Old Northwest (Historic Connecticut Western Reserve), Ohio River, and Great Lakes state. Also a Northeastern Appalachian state in the southeast.

       South Dakota: Louisiana Purchase, Great Plains state.

       Wisconsin: Old Northwest and Great Lakes state.

       Physical geography

       These states are generally perceived as being relatively flat. That is true of several areas, but there is a measure of geographical variation. In particular, the eastern Midwest lying near the foothills of the Appalachians, the Great Lakes Basin, and northern parts of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa demonstrate a high degree of topographical variety. Prairies cover most of the states west of the Mississippi River with the exception of eastern Minnesota, the Ozark Mountains of southern Missouri, and the southern tip of Illinois. Illinois lies within an area called the "prairie peninsula," an eastward extension of prairies that borders deciduous forests to the north, east, and south. Rainfall decreases from east to west, resulting in different types of prairies, with the tallgrass prairie in the wetter eastern region, mixed-grass prairie in the central Great Plains, and shortgrass prairie towards the rain shadow of the Rockies. Today, these three prairie types largely correspond to the corn/soybean area, the wheat belt, and the western rangelands, respectively. Hardwood forests in this area were logged to extinction in the late 1800s. The majority of the Midwest can now be categorized as urbanized areas or pastoral agricultural areas. Areas in northern Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin, such as the Porcupine Mountains, and the Ohio River valley are largely undeveloped.

       Residents of the wheat belt, which consists of the westernmost states of the Midwest, generally consider themselves part of the Midwest, while residents of the remaining rangeland areas usually do not. Of course, exact boundaries are nebulous and shifting.


       [edit] Exploration and early settlement

       European settlement of the area began in the 17th century following French exploration of the region. The French established a network of fur trading posts and Jesuit missions along the Mississippi River system and the upper Great Lakes. French control over the area ended in 1763 with the conclusion of the French and Indian War. British colonists began to expand into the Ohio Country during the 1750s. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 temporarily restrained expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains, but did not stop it completely.

       Early settlement began either via routes over the Appalachian Mountains, such as Braddock Road; or through the waterways of the Great Lakes. Fort Pitt, now Pittsburgh, at the source of the Ohio River, was an early outpost of the overland routes. The first settlements in the Midwest via the waterways of the Great Lakes were centered around military forts and trading posts such as Green Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, and Detroit. The first inland settlements via the overland routes were in southern Ohio or northern Kentucky, on either side of the Ohio River, and early such pioneers were Daniel Boone and Spencer Records.

       Following the American Revolutionary War, the rate of settlers coming from the eastern states increased rapidly. In the 1790s, American Revolutionary War veterans and settlers from the original states moved there in response to Federal government of the United States land grants. The Ulster-Scots Presbyterians of Pennsylvania (often through Virginia) and the Dutch Reformed, Quaker, and Congregationalists of Connecticut were among the earliest pioneers to Ohio and the Midwest.

       The region's fertile soil made it possible for farmers to produce abundant harvests of cereal crops such as corn, oats, and, most importantly, wheat. In the early days, the region was soon known as the nation's "breadbasket".

       [edit] Development of transportation

       Two waterways have been important to the Midwest's development. The first and foremost was the Ohio River which flowed into the Mississippi River. Spanish control of the southern part of the Mississippi, and refusal to allow the shipment of American crops down the river and into the Atlantic Ocean, halted the development of the region until 1795.

       The river inspired two classic American books written by a native Missourian, Samuel Clemens, who took the pseudonym Mark Twain: Life on the Mississippi and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Today, Twain's stories have become staples of Midwestern lore. Twain's hometown of Hannibal, Missouri is a tourist attraction in the area offering a glimpse into the Midwest of his time.

       The second waterway is the network of routes within the Great Lakes. The opening of the Erie Canal in 1825 completed an all-water shipping route, more direct than the Mississippi, to New York and the seaport of New York City. Lakeport cities grew up to handle this new shipping route. During the Industrial Revolution, the lakes became a conduit for iron ore from the Mesabi Range of Minnesota to steel mills in the Mid-Atlantic States. The Saint Lawrence Seaway later opened the Midwest to the Atlantic Ocean.

       Lake Michigan is bordered by four Midwestern states: Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin.Inland canals in Ohio and Indiana constituted another great waterway, which connected into the Great Lakes and Ohio River traffic. The canals in Ohio and Indiana opened so much of Midwestern agriculture that it launched the world's greatest population and economic boom foreshadowing later "emerging markets". The commodities that the Midwest funneled into the Erie Canal down the Ohio River contributed to the wealth of New York City, which overtook Boston and Philadelphia. New York State would proudly boast of the Midwest as its "inland empire"; thus, New York would become known as the Empire State.


       Chicago is the largest city in the Midwest

       Detroit is the busiest commercial border crossing in North America.

       Indianapolis is the 3rd largest city in the MidwestMidwesterners are alternately viewed as open, friendly, and straightforward, or sometimes stereotyped as unsophisticated and stubborn. Factors that probably affected the shaping of Midwest values include the religious heritage of the abolitionist, pro-education Congregationalists to the stalwart Calvinist heritage of the Midwestern Protestants, as well as the agricultural values inculcated by the hardy pioneers who settled the area. The Midwest remains a melting pot of Protestantism and Calvinism, mistrustful of authority and power.

       Catholicism is the largest single religious denomination in the Midwest, varying between 19 and 29% of the state populations. Baptists compose 14% of the populations of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, up to 22% in Missouri and down to 5% in Minnesota. Lutherans peak at 22-24% in Wisconsin and Minnesota, reflecting the Scandinavian and German heritage of those states as parodied humorously by Garrison Keillor in his Prairie Home Companion. Pentecostal and charismatic denominations have few adherents in the Midwest, ranging between 1 and 7% (although the Assembly of God began in lower Missouri). Judaism and Islam are each practiced by 1% or less of the population, with slightly higher concentrations in major urban areas, such as Chicago, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Detroit and Cleveland. Those with no religious affiliation make up 13-16% of the Midwest's population.

       The rural heritage of the land in the Midwest remains widely held, even if industrialization and suburbanization have overtaken the states in the original Northwest Territory. Given the rural, antebellum associations with the Midwest, further rural states like Kansas have become icons of Midwesternism, most directly with the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.

       Midwestern politics tends to be cautious, but the caution is sometimes peppered with protest, especially in minority communities or those associated with agrarian, labor or populist roots. This was especially true in the early 20th century when Milwaukee was a hub of the socialist movement in the United States, electing three socialist mayors and the only socialist congressional representative (Victor Berger) during that time. The metropolis-strewn Great Lakes region tends to be the most liberal area of the Midwest, and liberal presence diminishes gradually as you move south and west from that region into the less-populated rural areas. The Great Lakes region has spawned people such as the La Follette political family, labor leader and five-time Socialist Party of America presidential candidate Eugene Debs, and Communist Party leader Gus Hall. Minnesota in particular has produced liberal national politicians Walter Mondale, Eugene McCarthy, and Hubert Humphrey and well as protest musician Bob Dylan.

       Because of 20th century African American migration from the South, a large African American urban population lives in most of the regions' major cities, although the concentration is not nearly as large as that of the Southern United States. The combination of industry and cultures, Jazz, Blues, and Rock and Roll, led to an outpouring of musical creativity in the 20th century in the Midwest, including new music like the Motown Sound and techno from Detroit and house music & the blues from Chicago. Rock and Roll music was first identified as a new genre by a Cleveland radio DJ, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is now located in Cleveland. See also Music of the Midwest/Motown, Detroit, 70s Soul Music, Ohio Players, Kool and The Gang, and Dayton. Today the population of the Midwest is 65,971,974, or 22.2% of the total population of the United States.

       [edit] Cultural overlap with neighboring regions

       Differences in the definition of the Midwest mainly split between the Heartland and the Great Plains on one side, and the Great Lakes and the Rust Belt on the other. While some point to the small towns and agricultural communities in Kansas, Iowa, the Dakotas and Nebraska of the Great Plains as representative of traditional Midwestern lifestyles and values, others would assert that the declining Rust Belt cities of the Great Lakes, with their histories of 19th- and early-20th century immigration, manufacturing base, and strong Catholic influence, are more representative of the Midwestern experience. Under such a definition, cities as far east as Buffalo, New York and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania may be considered Midwestern in nature.

       Certain areas of the traditionally defined Midwest are often cited as not being representative of the 'Midwest,' while other areas traditionally outside of the Midwest are often claimed to be part of the Midwest. These claims often embody historical, cultural, economic or demographic arguments for inclusion or exclusion.

       Another important region, Appalachia, overlaps with the Midwest, especially in southern Ohio. The Ohio River has long been the boundary between North and South, and between the Midwest and the Upper South. All the lower Midwestern states, including Missouri, have a major Southern component, but only Missouri was a slave state before the Civil War.

       In addition, parts of the Northeastern states have a Midwestern feel. Western Pennsylvania, which contains the cities of Erie and Pittsburgh, shares culture, history, and identity with the "Midwest," but overlaps with Appalachia as well.[citation needed] Buffalo, New York, the western terminus of the Erie Canal and gateway to the Great Lakes, also offers a Midwestern orientation, and in most instances its residents identify more readily with the cultures of Chicago or Detroit than cities on the Eastern Seaboard. However, residents of Western Pennsylvania and Western New York rarely, if ever, consider themselves Midwesterners.

       The prairie parts of Montana, Wyoming, and especially Colorado are sometimes considered part of the Midwest, especially to people in the Great Plains which are closer to the geographic middle of the country.[citation needed] However, such an inclusion would be considered incorrect to most people in the Great Lakes region as many people near the Great Lakes do not even consider the Plains states to be the Midwest, as much of those states are ranchland.

       Oklahoma is sometimes thought of as being a Midwestern state, though it is always identified as a South Central state. Eastern Oklahoma is decidedly "Southern" in its cultural history and its connection to the oil business and other Southern industries, having much in common with nearby Arkansas and eastern Texas. However, western and central Oklahoma (excluding the Oklahoma City area) and the upper Texas Panhandle (generally the part of Texas north of and including Amarillo, Texas), by contrast, generally have more in common economically, climatically, and culturally with the states of Kansas and Nebraska and the eastern part of Colorado than with most of the American South or Southwest.[citation needed] These areas may have been under nominal control of the Confederate States of America but were thinly populated during the Civil War, and were settled largely by people from the Midwest and rely heavily upon ranching and wheat-growing instead of cotton and lumbering for their agricultural production which so clearly mark the American South.

       Kentucky is also sometimes considered Midwestern,[8] reflecting its heritage as a border state between the Southeast and Midwest that remained in the Union during the Civil War; however, the state is defined as Southern by the US Census Bureau and many would argue that its culture, especially in rural areas, remains distinctly Southern. Due to significant corn and grain production, much of the state forms part of the American agricultural core, or Corn Belt, along with states like Illinois, Indiana and Iowa.[9] Several regions along the northern border with the Ohio River, especially in the industrial and urbanized Louisville and Northern Kentucky areas, saw significant levels of German immigration in the 19th century,[10] as did most other Midwestern states. Industrial regions in north Kentucky, such as Louisville, have also experienced population and employment declines that have led to them being viewed as part of the Rust Belt region.[11]

       [edit] Political trends

       One of the two major political parties in the United States, the Republican Party, originated partially in the Midwest. One of its founding places was Jackson, Michigan or Ripon, Wisconsin in the 1850s and included opposition to the spread of slavery into new states as one of its agendas. Most of the rural Midwest is considered to be a Republican stronghold to this day, and Hamilton County, the home of Cincinnati, Ohio, is one of the few metropolitan counties in America which voted predominantly Republican at the close of the 20th century. From the American Civil War to the Great Depression and World War II, Midwestern Republicans dominated American politics and industry, just as Southern Democrat farmers dominated antebellum rural America and as Northeastern financiers and academics in the Democratic party would dominate America from the Depression to the Vietnam War and the height of the Cold War.[citation needed]

       As political trends have changed and the Midwest's population has shifted from the countryside to its cities, the general political mood has moved to the center, and the region is now home to many critical swing states that do not have strong allegiance to either party. Upper Midwestern states, such as Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan have proven reliably Democratic, while even Iowa has shifted towards the Democrats. Normally a Republican stronghold, Indiana became a key state in the 2006 Mid-Term elections, picking up 3 House Seats to bring the total to 5 Democrats to 4 Republicans representing Indiana in the U.S. House. The state government of Illinois is currently dominated by the Democratic Party. Both of Illinois's senators are Democrats and a majority of the state's U.S. Representatives are also Democrats. Illinois voters have preferred the Democratic presidential candidate by a significant margin in the past 4 elections (1992, 1996, 2000, 2004). The same is true of Michigan and Wisconsin, which also currently have a Democratic governor and two Democratic senators. Iowa is considered by many analysts to be the most evenly divided state in the country, but has leaned Democratic for the past fifteen years or so. Iowa has a Democratic governor, a Democratic Senator, three Democratic Congressmen out of five, has voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in three out of the last four elections, (1992, 1996, 2000). As of the 2006 midterms elections, Iowa has a state legislature dominated by Democrats in both chambers. Minnesota voters have chosen the Democratic candidate for president longer than any other state. Minnesota was the only state among the 50 states (along with Washington, D.C.) of the U.S. to vote for Walter Mondale over Ronald Reagan in 1984 (Minnesota is Mondale's home state). In Iowa and Minnesota, however, the recent Democratic pluralities have often been fairly narrow. Minnesota has elected and reelected a Republican governor, as well as supported some of the most pro-gun concealed weapon laws in the nation.



       英 [?sk?t] 美 [?sk?t]





       I got an Ascot for each of you.



       Ascot, a village in Berkshire, England, is the home of a famous annual race.



       The company's guests at Ascot are entertained in the corporate hospitality tent.



       Who won the Ascot Gold Cup in1904?



       In traditional top hat and tails on the first day of the Royal Ascot Races last year.



       Iwould like to wear such a hat to join Ascot!



       The famous races Ascot are held every year and followed by sports fans.



       This year her designs include eye-catching pieces for Ascot such as one in the shape of an ice-cream cone, complete with scoops of soft ostrich feather pom-poms.



       With only two days of Ascot left, if you haven't got your outfit sorted you're in trouble.



       IMAGINE was recorded at your Tittenhurst Park home studio in Ascot.



       In high spirits, a well-dressed crowd at Ascot Racecourse near London celebrates a day of horse races with singing and patriotic flag-waving.



       Besides, you aren't dressed for ascot.



       Hepburn's ascot dress from "My Fair Lady" fetched$ 4.4 million, and Judy Garland's blue cotton dress from "Wizard of Oz" drew$ 1.09 million.



       ASCOT is a good method in severity evaluation of trauma.



       Objective: To investigate the predictive value for head injury with trauma revised injury severity score ( TRISS) and a severity characterization of trauma ( ASCOT).



       His reclusive lyrics reflect feelings of seclusion landscape ascot, prologue highlights sense of carpe diem and thinking of limited life.



       Objective Evaluate the accuracy of MTOS's ( major trauma outcome study) weight coefficients according to ASCOT ( Acute severity characterization of trauma).



       The abbreviated injury scale ( AIS-90) was used instead of AIS-85 and a software of ASCOT method for clinical practice has been designed.



       英 [kr?v?t] 美 [kr?v?t]





       复数: cravats



       They wore ordinary ties instead of the more formal high collar and cravat.



       I wanna know how he's wearing that cravat.



       You have no cravat; you have no hat; you have no coat!



       I have never seen a man wearing cravat.



       His suit was of excellent cloth, with a watch chain and cravat in the continental style.



       The one with his arm hung up in a black cravat?



       My cousin sent me a light blue shirt and a navy blue cravat.



       Gradually his capacious chin encroached upon the borders of the white cravat.



       Utterly preposterous as His cravat was, and as His collars were, I was conscious of a sort of dignity in the look.



       A light-haired young man, without a cravat, went from barricade to barricade, carrying pass-words.



       He sent one glare of fierce, exultant defiance at the man in collar and cravat now.



       Croatia also has a place in the history of neckwear as the origin of the necktie ( cravat).



       A cravat with wide square ends; secured with an ornamental pin.



       A clot of blood had collected in the knot of his cravat;



       I love the cravat especially, it's classic gentleman.



       Marius wore no cravat, he had on his working-coat, which was destitute of buttons, his shirt was torn along one of the plaits on the bosom.




       The history of getting dressed is in large part a story of borrowing combat garb cravat and cardigan, bomber jacket and pea coat but the proliferation of the army green jacket is different in kind and in degree.




       He dressed immaculately, always sporting a good tie or cravat, and looking elegant in his beloved cricket sweater and whites whenever he wore them.




       With his Ulster, the literary Holmes wore a cravat.




       She wrapped round her a long red woolen cravat, and open the door.



       The high white cravat suited the elegance of the hall.



       Ney borrows a horse, leaps upon it, and without hat, cravat, or sword, places himself across the Brussels road, stopping both English and French.



       He went on, muttering between his teeth, and not addressing Marius so much as his cravat



       He wore blue trousers, a blue frock coat and a broad-brimmed hat, which always appeared to be new, a black cravat, a quaker shirt, that is to say, it was dazzlingly white, but of coarse linen.



       And, saying this, Andrea, who had now put on his boots and cravat, stole gently to the window, and a second time lifted up the muslin curtain.



       For some time the Rightists in charge ran these two newspapers as bourgeois newspapers. He then drew the pin from his cravat and placed it on the paper.



       Tie a ribbon, scarf, tie, cravat, etc



       Pipe bend with female thread tie a ribbon, scarf, tie, cravat, etc



       He affected a stiff white cravat, after the example of his principal, and was always closely buttoned up and tightly dressed.



       He stared intently at Fantine, and added, once more taking into his grasp Jean Valjean's cravat, shirt and collar


       好了,关于“ulster hall”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“ulster hall”有更深入的了解,并且从我的回答中得到一些启示。